A community magazine with substance.

Since the first issue was published in 1992, The Fraser has offered content on arts, culture, politics and literature for readers in Vancouver and beyond.

  • 8,000
    Copies distributed per month
  • 33
    Years in operation
  • 508
    Issues since 1992


Something for everyone

The Fraser has been trusted and successful in the competitive Japanese community media market by providing a wide range of content and by treating its readers with respect. We never shying away from nuance or subtlety.

About us

Bridging Japan and Canada

The Fraser was born with the mission of helping to make life in Canada more fulfilling for the Japanese community living here, while still passing down Japanese culture.

The Fraser strives to plant its roots deeply in the land we live in as we observe a changing world. We work by the motto, "Think global, act local."

Advertise with us

The Internet is great if you want to sell a product. If you want to build a brand, advertise for trust in the local community.

Get in touch